Get social media help with several customizable options
Not quite sure what option will work for you? Schedule a free 30 minute call with Holly to discuss.
Start Up Package
Time Investment: 30 Days
Not quite sure where to start in your marketing? This package is for you! Receive the clear direction you need on how to use social media effectively.
This package is 100% customizable and is set up to have you up and running on your own in approximately 30-days.
“We worked with Holly before we even open up for business! Her expertise in marketing guided us in the right direction We appreciate all that she has done for us!”
– Robert, The Dapper Doughnut
Introductory Call
One (1) 60 Minute introductory call via Zoom or phone. Holly will help you with a social media plan that’s specific for your business and give you tools and support throughout the 30 days to get you well on your way to promoting your business online.
Customer Demographic Exercise
Sometimes businesses are not using social media the way that makes their customers want to buy. Holly walks you through an exercise that’ll help you clarify who your ideal customer is and how you can tweak your social media posts to capture their attention and want to buy from you.
Necessary Marketing Pieces
Sometimes businesses need some updated flyers, business cards, Facebook cover photos or even brochures. Together we determine if there are any items that need designed or updated and Holly will help create up to two items.
Email Communication
Communication is key in any coaching with Holly and with this package you receive direct access to Holly with any questions or guidance you may need throughout the 30 days.
Facebook & Instagram Audit
Social media can be tricky and sometimes all you need are a few tweaks on your Facebook and Instagram pages to get your customers engaged with you and willing to purchase from you. Holly will review your pages and give you feedback on how to make those changes and get more sales.
Canva Training
Canva is a fantastic free resource for small business owners in creating high-quality graphics and promotional items. Holly will offer a 30 minute training session on how to use this helpful tool so you can easily create your own graphics.
Wrap Up Call
At the end of the 30 days, Holly will have one (1) 30-60 minute call to discuss any final questions. While some business owners may continue with a monthly one-on-one coaching with Holly for additional support, others are ready to work on their promotions on their own. It’s entirely up to the business owner.
Monthly One-On-One Coaching
3 Month Minimum Recommended
Having a marketing person accessible during a busy season or even just for peace of mind can be so helpful.
With Holly’s Monthly One-On-One Coaching package, you’ll receive the support you need. This package includes:
- One (1) 30-60 minute call via Zoom or phone at the beginning of the month to strategize any social media needs you have for your business for that particular month. Items that can be discussed include: business event planning ideas, content ideas for social media posts, e-blasts, etc. and new promotional items necessary for an upcoming sale or feature.
- You will have access to Holly via email throughout the month based on the areas we are focusing on during that month.
- Holly can create up to two (2) graphic items (social media post, cover photo, flyer, etc.).
“As small business owners of a rapidly growing business, we need people in our corner to work on the things that we don’t have time for and perhaps not as accomplished in. Holly has been incredible to work with and is worth every penny. “
– Becky, Posey & Jett’s Boutique
A La Carte Options
Whether you need a flyer for an upcoming event, help coming up with ideas for social media posts, or even just some time to brainstorm how to promote a special product or service – Holly can help!
One-On-One Coaching ($60/hr)
Need a fresh set of eyes to give you some much needed direction for your social media? Schedule an hourly coaching session with Holly and she’ll give you the direction you need to move forward in promoting your business on social media and make sales.
Promotional Item Creation ($60/hr)
Whether you need business cards, a flyer or even a brochure, Holly can design it! (average time is 1-2 hrs depending on item and allows up to two revisions).
E-Blast Creation ($125/e-blast)
Need help designing a monthly or weekly eblast inside MailChimp? Holly can design it and send out to your customers. Holly will meet with you 30 minutes prior to creation to get ideas for content and will design and send a proof to you for review prior to hitting “send.”
E-Blast Platform Set UP & Training ($200)
Includes a Mailchimp account set up and a 30 minute training over Zoom so you can create your own e-blasts.
Facebook or Instagram Page Set up / Clean up ($250)
Includes creating your business Facebook or Instagram page or clean-up of your existing pages. Items included in this A la Carte option are:
- New cover photo
- Updating all page settings and templates;
- Verifying all contact information is correct and complete;
- A 30 minute coaching call with Holly on best practices for posting on social media

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