Finally know how to use social media for your business

I teach business owners how to DIY their marketing with customizable help and the hand-holding you need.

Finally know how to use social media for your business

I teach business owners how to use Facebook and Instagram to promote and grow their business.

“Holly really makes you feel like you CAN do it.”

-Mary Anne

Get the tools you need to learn how to use social media

Not sure what to post on social?

Get access to an entire month of post ideas that are perfect for both service and product industries. These ideas will get those creative juices flowing so you know what to post.

Don't know how to use Instagram?

Watch a recent Instagram 101 Workshop replay where Holly shows you the ins & outs of Instagram and how to use it for your business.

Struggling to make sales?

Chances are your social media posts aren’t connecting to the right people. Get a FREE training that’ll help you figure out who your ideal customer is and how you can relate to them so they’ll buy.

It’s time to get un-stuck and start learning how to use these free platforms to make money.

Need some hand-holding as you navigate social media?

30-days of One-On-One Coaching

Not quite sure where to start in your marketing? Holly’s 30-day coaching is for you! 

Whether you need help with social media, setting up your email provider or some help with copy on your webiste, this coaching will get up you up and running on your own in approximately 30-days.

Consistent Monthly Support

Having a marketing person accessible during a busy season or even just having someone one to bounce ideas off of will give you that extra peace of mind.

This three-month coaching offers all the support you need with weekly coaching and brainstorming calls and customized to fit your business.

Coaching By the Hour

Need a fresh set of eyes to give you some much needed direction for your social media, but have a pretty small budget?

Schedule an hourly coaching session with Holly and she’ll give you the direction you need to move forward in promoting your business on social media and make sales.

“Holly was able to view my business and offer strategies that I would never have thought of.”


Forget the overwhelm and learn how to use social media

Holly is passionate about helping business owners navigate the tech and ever-changing algorithms. You can learn how to use social media and Holly will teach you how.


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